Perché la tecnica teatrale non si insegna. La si impara stando in scena con un leader: l’attore deve spezzettare il discorso tecnico di questo leader, per poi riaggregarlo, personalizzandolo.
Leo de Berardinis


Metropopolare has combined production with training activities since its birth. We organize meetings and training workshops based on specific projects and ideas. Each meeting is based on the belief that theater can only be fulfilled through group practice and mutual exchange of physical presence and alongside highly professional artists or very well skilled technicians. 


    • AVANGUARDIE: theatrical workshop for kids between the ages of 6 and 10
    • STO CON TE(ATRO): theatrical workshop for kids and their parents


    • LA FORESTA: theatrical workshop for youngsters between the ages of 13 and 18


    • MASCHIO O FEMMINA, L’IMPORTANTE È ESSERE SÉ STESSI: theatrical workshop on gender stereotypes
    • SOLE A SCACCHI: workshop about raising the awareness on the issues of detention and legality
    • TERRAFERMA: theatrical workshop on migration and interculturality