Metropopolare manages projects for the social inclusion and integration.


In 2018 Metropopolare won a competition announcement called MigrArti coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and organized a theatrical workshop called Formidable, for immigrants and youngsters of second generation together with professional dancers, singers and actors in Prato. The project ended in 2019 with the debut of the show called “Formidable”.


Another significant example is “Canto di Natale” in which for two days, during Christmas time in 2019, prisoners and artists from the company shared Christmas texts and traditions in a show destined for the external visitors of the prison.


Metropopolare manages awareness-raising projects on the issue of the gender inequality in a preventive, cultural and educational way. 


Not only shows but also photography exhibitions like “La grande fuga” in 2017 which showed all the work behind the workshops in jail.